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Personal Safety

Personal Safety is Critical

How much thought to people really give to Personal Safety? Is it just taken for granted until something goes wrong and then we scramble to make sure we are properly protected when the next incident happens? My experience has shown me that many people pay little attention to their personal security until something goes wrong. They may not be the direct victim, but someone close to them was. This is a reactive response and my objective in this article is to convince you to be proactive and react before something happens.

The stock market is at its highest point in years. Crime has spiked in cities across the nation including major crimes like homicide, rape, home invasions, and armed robbery. Banks are have become more hesitant to loan money and scrutinizing an top heavy real estate market.

Mortgages are becoming increasingly difficult to secure. Property values are at record highs. Retirement savings are diminishing. Russia is threatening its neighbors and geo-political events loom potentially near. COVID just won't seem to go away no matter how many vaccines we promulgate .The country is solidly divided in its political beliefs and party affiliations. Compromise and reconciliation seem to be increasing in distance.

While this paints a rather grim picture of today's current events and status, we wonder what's next? Can it get any worse? Will we recover from these uncertain times? Well, in most likelihood, the situation will worsen before it gets better. History has shown us this over and over. People panic in situations like this, making the situation more difficult. The panic leads to chaos and the chaos leads to destruction. Layer on top of that our unemployment rate and the fact that many people simply cannot provide from themselves or their families.

History has shown us that times like this correlate directly to an increase in the crime rate. This credit crunch we're experiencing will undoubtedly lead to an increase in burglaries, auto theft, muggings, etc. Some believe crime will return with a vengeance, others disagree. Many resources and articles ponder this exact point. Whether the experts agree or not really makes no difference. There will be pockets where crime will be, or may already be, on the rise. Have you given any thought to how you will protect yourself, your loved ones, your home or your car?

There are many simple way to protect yourself and family without spending what's left of your nest egg. Products to consider are stun guns, pepper spray, diversion safes, security cameras, alarms and other security items. Selections are abundant with creative cover-ups. For example, a stun gun will certainly surprise a would-be attacker. Pepper Spray is easy to conceal, yet can be very effective when needed. Home diversion safes are a must if you are trying to hide valuables. They are inexpensive and extremely functional. There are many different styles and options, all of which are very reasonably priced. We would strongly encourage you to act quickly to protect your families. The longer you wait, the better your chance of becoming an unprotected victim.

Creative Solutions; Securing Your Valuables in Diversion Safes

So, where should you begin in your quest to achieve personal safety and security? Well, let's start close to home; literally, with your home. Do you have excess cash hidden under your clothes in a drawer, or valuable jewelry in a visible jewelry drawer? Maybe you have some valuable coins that have been in your family for years. Whatever your valuables are, they are most likely in plain site or in one of the first places someone would think to look for them. You certainly don't want them taken from you in the event of a burglary.

Protecting your home with security cameras, double locks on the doors/windows and alarm systems are all prudent measures and should be taken to a reasonable extent. But, let's face it, if someone wants to get into your home, they will find a way in. The point is that once they are inside, you want your valuable items protected.

A burglar spends less than 6 minutes in a home. Placing your valuables in a secure location where the intruder would never think to look is the goal. Diversion safes are a creative, simple, low cost solution, providing you with peace of mind. These ingenious diversion safes range from soda cans, to candles, to books, to common household items, etc. The existence of these items is not as well known as it should be, given their simplicity and effectiveness.

Could your excess cash be any safer than inside a Dr. Pepper Diversion Can Safe stored inside your pantry or in your refrigerator? Securely place your diamond earrings inside the safe portion of the candle diversion safe and display it naturally on your dining room table . Store your Rolex watch in a diversion safe can of Liquid Wrench or in a can of Barbasol shaving cream.

Personal Safety Tips

ATXPI Investigators frequently get called upon to assist with personal assaults. Many of the assaults occur during the daylight hours in public places. This is sometimes hard to believe. There are so many distractions, and your focus may be on the errands and responsibilities you have going on in your life. Cell phones are also a huge contributing factor in the lack of attention to your surroundings.

Here are some things to be aware of to help keep you from being a target of an assault, theft or even kidnapping.

  1. Park in a well light area with security camera.
    Criminals are less likely to attack you in a well-lit area, but it does happen, and security cameras can help the police in the event you are a victim of a crime.

  2. Be observant of the area and people around you.
    Criminals often lurk in their target area either on foot or in their vehicles. Make sure you look around your parking space before you get out.

  3. Make sure your purse, wallet or other items are securely in your possession.
    If you have a purse or satchel, do not put it on top of your vehicle to load or unload items. If you are using a shopping cart, using the child strap through the handle is a good deterrent. A potential thief generally won’t take the time to unbuckle it.

  4. When you get out of your car, walk confidently, and put your cell phone away.
    Walking with your head down or looking at your cell phone takes away from your ability to anticipate a problem and act. Follow your instinct and move toward other people and verbally alert them if you believe you are in danger.

  5. Walk in pairs and avoid walking at night whenever possible and walk-in well-lit areas.
    Criminals often hide in the shadows and plan their attack. Be familiar with where you are going and look behind yourself frequently.

  6. If you are confronted and the person demands your property, comply with the demands regardless of whether or not you believe they have a weapon.
    There is no amount of money, jewelry or other items that is worth your risking your safety and life. It is a good idea to limit the amount of cash in your wallet. It is also helpful to have the telephone numbers to report stolen credit cards quickly.

If the person is attempting to abduct you-that is the time to resist, shout and make a scene. Do NOT allow the person to take you to another location if at all possible. Taking self-defense classes is highly recommended.

If you elect to carry a defense item such as pepper spray a stun gun or firearm, make sure you have trained with it and know how to use it. Practice retrieving the item often. It does not help you to have to dig through your purse or satchel to retrieve it, so keep it on your person if at all possible.

Safeguard Against Sexual Assault

The trauma of sexual assault will forever change your life. According to Rainn.org, the age for the highest risk for sexual assault is 12-34 but women of all ages should vigilant. Preventing a sexual assault begins with being aware of your surrounding at all times especially when going out to public gatherings and places where alcoholic beverages are served. ATXPI recommends the following safety tips to help prevent a sexual assault.
  1. Pair Up and Stay Together.
    Make sure you go with a friend or a group of friends and make sure you stay together. If you are separate from your friends, or alone, let someone know where you are going and when you will return. When meeting someone new that you plan to spend time with, text or email the person’s name, phone number, photograph or social media links to a friend or loved one. A person who has no ill intentions will most likely not be offended and will understand that you are protecting yourself and ensuring your safety. If the person is offended or refuses to provide their information, keep moving!

  2. Keep Your Cell Phone On.
    Your phone should always be fully charged and turned on. It is best to have a tracking app or locater app on at all times. There are many popular and easy to use apps to track your phone and your location.

  3. Closing Time Awareness.
    Be aware of people that show to bars or parties near closing time. Some predators begin their hunt within an hour or two before closing. This gives them an opportunity to look for women who appear intoxicated and alone. It also gives them limited time to be noticed or identified. These types of predators may offer assistance walking you to your vehicle, take you home or, inviting you to have a meal to place you in a position to be abducted and sexually assaulted.

  4. Drugs and Intoxicants.
    The “date rape drug” is another method of incapacitating a woman and is a frequent topic of conversation. Some of the ways to deter being drugged are to always keep your drink in your possession and not accept any drink you did not witness being poured. If you begin to experience symptoms such as being dizzy, feeling foggy or disorientated, alert the bartender or someone else around you immediately. Some “date rape” drugs effects begin within 15 minutes of ingestion.

A predator may also pressure you into consuming more than you are accustomed to by buying you liquor or shots. Know your limits and don’t be afraid to refuse a drink.

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